Rhodiola Rosea Effects On Central Nervous System
With research that began five decades ago and refined in the recent decade, we learn more and more about how rhodiola rosea effects the central nervous system. It is its effects on the central nervous system that is at the center of both the side effects and the many hopeful benefits of rhodiola. From animal research to more evolved clinical trials with humans, the many effects and benefits have become evident.
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From it’s ability to slow how your brain metabolizes serotonin and dopamine to its ability to reduce the brain blood barrier for precursors DA and 5-HT, rhodiola rosea seems to not only have beneficial properties of its own, but it appears it might help patients deal with the consequences of other necessary medications. Read on to learn more about how researchers think this extrac works in this comprehensive essay on Rhodiola Rosea effects on the central nervous system.