Rhodiola Rosea Revelations

Rhodiola Rosea Anti-Stress, Adaptogenic and Neuroendocrine Effects

Many of the most promising rhodiola benefits come from its anti-stress, adaptogenic and neuroendocine effects. Rhodiola rosea was one of the only herbal remedies to qualify as a real adaptogen when Soviet pharmacologists outlined and specified the most accepted criteria for defining adaptogens in 1968. The nonspecific resistance enhanced by taking this supplement was established in early animal studies and has been corroborated in recent human clinical case studies.

The promise of low side effects along with a broad range of tangible benefits stirs an enthusiasm and hope for the possibilities of supplementing one’s diet with this adaptogen. The following summary and review of the seminal studies illustrating Rhodiola rosea’s promise focuses on the neurological mechanisms and stress response system influenced or perhaps enhanced by taking this extract. It also illustrates how R. rosea may also help protect both the brain and the heart. Read on to learn more.

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Rhodiola Rosea Phytochemistry

A result of the increased interest in rhodiola rosea has led to the proliferation of lesser grade supplements. By lesser, I mean some manufacturer use different species of this plant or even different plants altogether along with Rhodiola rosea in their supplement. In large part, this may be due to a misunderstanding of the key compounds in R. rosea that provide the benefits touted by so many people in the natural health industry. Rosavin, rosin, and rosarin, collectively called rosavins, are specific and unique to R. rhodiola and not in other species (like Rhodiola crenulata). While many of these species have very few side effects, only R. rosea features the abundant benefits proposed and supported by real rhodiola research.

Read on to learn more about the history and evolving understanding of rhodiola rosea phytochemistry and what specific compounds can be found in a quality extract.

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Rhodiola Rosea Taxonomy and Rhodiola Geographical Distribution

Understanding this adaptogen can take more than just buying supplements that tell you on the bottle that popping these pills will make you feel better. To be certain the herbal remedy is worth your time and money (and health!), you should understand why and how any particular supplement will help you. So understanding the taxonomy of the rhodiola genus and developing an accurate understanding of the geographic distribution of plants in this genus will help you better understand why it provides the most potent benefits we look for in a supplement.

While many species of these flowers and plants exist, only R. rosea has been proven to be safe for both animal and human consumption with minimal adverse effects, and only Rhodiola rosea exhibits the promise of providing safe and effective herbal stress relief. Read on to learn more about how and why it has developed these unique properties to earn so much hype in the alternative medicine world.

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Rhodiola Rosea Effects On Physical Work Capacity

One of the main reasons people become interested in Rhodiola Rosea is the evidence supporting taking it to improve endurance or stamina. Everyone wants more energy, everyone wants to last longer and everyone wants to perform better. Specific clinical trials support these referenced benefits, and the great news is that whether it works or not, it appears to produce very few (if any at all) side effects. This makes it an inexpensive and safe option for many people to at least try and to see for themselves if this adaptogen will really provide the benefits they desire or require.

From improving work capacity to decreasing recovery time, quality Rhodiola supplements appear to have specific properties that translate to increase overall physical performance, especially in rigorous or stressful circumstances. Read on to learn more about the research on rhodiola rosea’s effects on physical work capacity and what doctors Richard Brown, Patricia Gerbarg and Zakir Ramazanov have concluded or suggested from with this research.

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Rhodiola Rosea Pharmacology, Phytochemistry and Standardization

Discover the groundbreaking research conducted by Dr. Zakir Ramazanov to reveal why rhodiola rosea is the species with the most promising benefits. Yes, there are several species and you need to understand why this is important when evaluating different rhodiola supplements.

Many people may not realize it, but many rhodiola supplements use other species as a substitute or more accurately, as an adulterant. Specifically, rhodiola crenulata, while containing a promising concentration of salidrosides, lacks the rosavins associated with the most potent benefits, yet it is often found in otherwise seemingly respectable remedies suggested for herbal stress relief.

Dr. Zakir Ramazanov also collects several references to research that verifies or corroborates rhodiola rosea’s promise, despite it manifesting so few side effects. With a broad range of mental and physical benefits evident in a number of studies conducted across multiple continents over several decades, it seems this safe and promising herbal remedy deserve more comprehensive research and consideration by the scientific community.

After you read this research and assess the tables and diagrams constructed by Dr. Ramazanov, you will better understand how to examine the different rhodiola supplements available to you and why you might consider this remedy in the first place.

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Rhodiola Rosea Phytomedicinal Overview

In this comprehensive overview originally published in the Herbal Gram newsletter in 2002 then soon after republished with permission on Rhodiola Rosea, Dr. Richard Brown, Dr. Patricia Gerbarg and RhodiolaRosea.Org founder Dr. Zakir Ramazanov aggregate and evaluate nearly 100 different pharmacological and clinical studies to ascertain the efficacy of leveraging this herbal remedy for various healthful purposes. An extensive list of rhodiola benefits are posited, explored and either negated or validated.

The authors methodically begin with the use of R. rosea in traditional medicine then trace the evolution of our understanding and usage of this potent adaptogen through to its potential future uses. The side effects and toxicity is explored and the wide range of uses, from applications for stress and anxiety through the enhancement of mental and physical performance, are detailed with extensive references cited to support their position. Read on to help determine if this supplement could provide the herbal stress relief you are looking for.

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