Rhodiola Rosea Revelations

Rhodiola Dosage

To maximize your ability to achieve the most benefit from rhodiola, you need to know how to select the right supplements, when to take it, how to take it and how much to take for different purposes. In most cases, you can’t just pop a pill and expect all your troubles to disappear.

To avoid the minimal side effects, you need to take the right dosage for your specific need, and you almost always need to start slow and incrementally increase your dosage until you achieve the desired results or until side-effects appear. Everybody is different; don’t expect a single, set dosage to apply to all people in all situations.

Read the following guide to rhodiola dosage to determine exactly how to take rhodiola rosea extract, including how much to take for your particular goal or need.

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Rhodiola Dangers

The dangers of rhodiola rosea are few and far between. Ironically, the primary dangers to consider are mostly a result of becoming too confident and comfortable with taking it. Many resources on this extract encourage increasing dosage until the desired affect is achieved because of its unusually low toxicity. Please note that this is a dangerous practice for any supplement or herbal remedy. I advise you always follow the recommended dosage when you start taking any new herbal supplement, or anything for that matter.

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Rhodiola Rosea Toxicity, Side Effects and Contraindications

When discussing Rhodiola Rosea, people supporting its use often refer to its many uses and the early research suggesting even more uses. However, I often wonder if its remarkably low toxicity and few side-effects should be emphasized more. While the benefits of rhodiola are promising, I feel they are made all the more intriguing when you consider just how safe it has proven to be in all current studies. With so little risk and so few down-sides, why doesn’t the scientific community more aggressively pursue rhodiola rosea research? With proven applications for depression and anxiety and early indications suggesting use for stamina and endurance, this extract could use greater publicity and more comprehensive scientific corroboration. It appears that rhodiola is safe, inexpensive and versatile. Perhaps it will ultimately be proven limited in its verifiable uses, but for now it is safe enough and promising enough to warrant further study. Read on to learn more about the low toxicity and few side-effects of Rhodiola Rosea.

Read more of Rhodiola Rosea Toxicity, Side Effects and Contraindications

Rhodiola Rosea Phytomedicinal Overview

In this comprehensive overview originally published in the Herbal Gram newsletter in 2002 then soon after republished with permission on Rhodiola Rosea, Dr. Richard Brown, Dr. Patricia Gerbarg and RhodiolaRosea.Org founder Dr. Zakir Ramazanov aggregate and evaluate nearly 100 different pharmacological and clinical studies to ascertain the efficacy of leveraging this herbal remedy for various healthful purposes. An extensive list of rhodiola benefits are posited, explored and either negated or validated.

The authors methodically begin with the use of R. rosea in traditional medicine then trace the evolution of our understanding and usage of this potent adaptogen through to its potential future uses. The side effects and toxicity is explored and the wide range of uses, from applications for stress and anxiety through the enhancement of mental and physical performance, are detailed with extensive references cited to support their position. Read on to help determine if this supplement could provide the herbal stress relief you are looking for.

Read more of Rhodiola Rosea Phytomedicinal Overview