Rhodiola Rosea Revelations

Rhodiola Supplements for Muscle Development

While the research still rests more in the hands of the east than the west, rhodiola rosea still holds tremendous promise for athletes looking to enhance their performance in a safe, legal and natural way. In this comprehensive piece of research, RhodiolaRosea.Org founder Dr. Zakir Ramazanov and his esteemed colleague collect and discuss the aggregate reality of the research supporting the use of rhodiola rosea for muscle development.

The potential benefits of this extract are broad and diverse, from providing herbal stress relief to treating mild depression. However, the Internet is ripe with hype and it can be difficult to discern the sales pitches from the real research. I encourage you to explore Dr. Ramazanov’s detailed discussion so you learn why that hype (some of it admittedly excessive and empty) has a reason for existing in the first place. At the very least, it seems exploring something with so few side effects is the only responsible thing to do.

So read on to learn more about the benefits of supplementing your diet with rhodiola rosea if you desire to improve your ability to develop muscles and enhance your athletic performance.

Read more of Rhodiola Supplements for Muscle Development

Rhodiola Rosea Anti-Stress, Adaptogenic and Neuroendocrine Effects

Many of the most promising rhodiola benefits come from its anti-stress, adaptogenic and neuroendocine effects. Rhodiola rosea was one of the only herbal remedies to qualify as a real adaptogen when Soviet pharmacologists outlined and specified the most accepted criteria for defining adaptogens in 1968. The nonspecific resistance enhanced by taking this supplement was established in early animal studies and has been corroborated in recent human clinical case studies.

The promise of low side effects along with a broad range of tangible benefits stirs an enthusiasm and hope for the possibilities of supplementing one’s diet with this adaptogen. The following summary and review of the seminal studies illustrating Rhodiola rosea’s promise focuses on the neurological mechanisms and stress response system influenced or perhaps enhanced by taking this extract. It also illustrates how R. rosea may also help protect both the brain and the heart. Read on to learn more.

Read more of Rhodiola Rosea Anti-Stress, Adaptogenic and Neuroendocrine Effects