Rhodiola Rosea Revelations

Rhodiola Rosea For Stress

Adaptogens have earned their title for a common sense reason: by assisting your body to regulate key hormones and chemicals, they are supposed to help your body adapt to mental and physical duress. While rhodiola rosea may be the lesser known of the adaptogens compared to ginseng, the accumulating evidence supporting its use is helping it become more and more common among the shelves of both natural and conventional grocery stores.

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Rhodiola Rosea FAQ

Understanding the many different ways rhodiola rosea works and why this adaptogen transcends the nebulous hype of most natural herbal remedies can be a bit challenging. Over the years I’ve received thousands of different questions through this website, and most of them tend to center around a few of the same themes.

From understanding why one would want to take rhodiola rosea to understanding how to cope with potential side effects, the questions I’ve received have had a distinct and reoccurring theme. So to help people find quick answers to their most pressing questions I have gathered these questions and answers together into a single, succinct FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). I hope this helps you quickly grasp the benefits of rhodiola and the most pertinent facts about what it is, where it comes from and how it should be used. Read on to read the most common rhodiola questions and their answers.

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Rhodiola Rosea Depression

For nearly a century now, rhodiola rosea depression studies have indicated that this herbal remedy helps relieve depression and regulate anxiety. This extract’s use as a supplement in Siberia and for Soviet soldiers helps explain why so many of these early studies originated in Soviet academies and universities.

But now the clinical support is appearing further west.

A recent study in Sweden has found that R. rosea extract exhibits an anti-depressant effect in individuals who suffer mild to moderate forms of depression.

The Nordic Journal of Psychiatry published the results of the first double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of this extract in patients diagnosed with depression. This study indicates

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Herbal Stress Relief

Can the Russian root Rhodiola Rosea be good for your health and provide you with the safe herbal stress relief you are looking for? Researches believe there is real promise in this adaptogenic herbal remedy.

Read Newsweek’s article on the beginning of this phenomenon to learn how scientists and researchers were excited about the benefits of rhodiola back in 2003.

What began with exciting research conduced by Dr. Zakir Ramazanov was ignited by research published in the Phytomedicine Journal and then corroborated by research pursued in the United States by UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry and the Columbia University Medical Center (and published in The Rhodiola Revolution). Read on to better understand the origins and continued hope of this herbal stress buster, the adaptogen rhodiola rosea extract, an herbal remedy with great benefits yet very few side effects.

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