Rhodiola Rosea Revelations

Revealing A Stress-Busting Trio: Rhodiola Rosea, Omega-3, and Magnesium

While everyone wants one supplement to provide all the answers, I’m afraid it just doesn’t work that way. Just as complete nutrition requires a balanced and varied diet, sometimes obtaining the maximum possible benefits of a supplement regimen means combining different nutrients or extracts.  Bountiful gardens and productive farms often require the same diversity. Different plants and vegetables extract a variety of nutrients from the soil. When they expire, they feed another set of nutrients

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Rhodiola Dangers

The dangers of rhodiola rosea are few and far between. Ironically, the primary dangers to consider are mostly a result of becoming too confident and comfortable with taking it. Many resources on this extract encourage increasing dosage until the desired affect is achieved because of its unusually low toxicity. Please note that this is a dangerous practice for any supplement or herbal remedy. I advise you always follow the recommended dosage when you start taking any new herbal supplement, or anything for that matter.

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Rhodiola Rosea Depression

For nearly a century now, rhodiola rosea depression studies have indicated that this herbal remedy helps relieve depression and regulate anxiety. This extract’s use as a supplement in Siberia and for Soviet soldiers helps explain why so many of these early studies originated in Soviet academies and universities.

But now the clinical support is appearing further west.

A recent study in Sweden has found that R. rosea extract exhibits an anti-depressant effect in individuals who suffer mild to moderate forms of depression.

The Nordic Journal of Psychiatry published the results of the first double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of this extract in patients diagnosed with depression. This study indicates

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Ashwagandha Side Effects

Ashwagandha, sometimes referred to as Indian ginseng, is a natural herbal remedy with a long history of use, and a strong following. Many people are skeptical of the limited conventional science on this adaptogen, and believe ashwagandha’s very long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine corroborates its genuine potency and efficacy. In the context of rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha may have a larger and more ardent following, but ironically, it features far less modern, scientific evidence to support its efficacy.

While ashwagandha side effects are mild and few, it is important to understand them before taking this herbal remedy. Read more to learn about the specific uses and side effects of ashwagandha.

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