Rhodiola Rosea Revelations

Rhodiola Rosea Phytomedicinal Overview References, Credits and Acknowledgments

The following compilation of references, citations, credits and acknowledgments accompanies the Rhodiola Rosea Phytomedicinal Overview. Here in you will find around 100 different references and acknowledgments. The references should be suitable for your use in continued research work. The work collected and evaluated here should provide herbal researchers years of information to explore and consider. While still more research must be conducted to verify many of the claims and observations made among the studies in these references, the data provides a promising start to proper and thorough scientific research into the genuine healthful benefits of rhodiola rosea, rhodiola benefits and remarkably low rhodiola side effects.

Read on to explore the wide range of sources compiled and considered by the authors as they assembled this seminal piece of rhodiola rosea research.

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Rhodiola Rosea Effects On Central Nervous System

With research that began five decades ago and refined in the recent decade, we learn more and more about how rhodiola rosea effects the central nervous system. It is its effects on the central nervous system that is at the center of both the side effects and the many hopeful benefits of rhodiola. From animal research to more evolved clinical trials with humans, the many effects and benefits have become evident.

Many will find this information a little confusing or overwhelming, so I encourage you to bookmark this essay and return to it to properly digest its different parts. In the future I will try to expand on individual parts with more accessible examples and explanations.

From it’s ability to slow how your brain metabolizes serotonin and dopamine to its ability to reduce the brain blood barrier for precursors DA and 5-HT, rhodiola rosea seems to not only have beneficial properties of its own, but it appears it might help patients deal with the consequences of other necessary medications. Read on to learn more about how researchers think this extrac works in this comprehensive essay on Rhodiola Rosea effects on the central nervous system.

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Rhodiola Rosea Pharmacological and Clinical Case Studies

If you are considering Rhodiola Rosea, you may want some reassurance that it actually works. With relatively mild herbal remedies like this you can’t reasonably expect it to completely change your life, but you may be surprised how many worthwhile uses have been observed in carefully managed clinical studies. This adaptogen is thought to provide a number of benefits from treating mild depression, to providing greater focus and energy, to helping patients cope with chemotherapy.

One of the reasons you may consider taking this extract is that it features a remarkably low toxicity and even among other natural and safe alternative remedies there are remarkably few side effects. With a low measured toxicity and very few reported problems, R. rosea makes for a very safe option for many people. Read on to learn more about the many observed benefits to supplementing one’s lifestyle with Rhodiola Rosea.

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Rhodiola Rosea Phytochemistry

A result of the increased interest in rhodiola rosea has led to the proliferation of lesser grade supplements. By lesser, I mean some manufacturer use different species of this plant or even different plants altogether along with Rhodiola rosea in their supplement. In large part, this may be due to a misunderstanding of the key compounds in R. rosea that provide the benefits touted by so many people in the natural health industry. Rosavin, rosin, and rosarin, collectively called rosavins, are specific and unique to R. rhodiola and not in other species (like Rhodiola crenulata). While many of these species have very few side effects, only R. rosea features the abundant benefits proposed and supported by real rhodiola research.

Read on to learn more about the history and evolving understanding of rhodiola rosea phytochemistry and what specific compounds can be found in a quality extract.

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Rhodiola Rosea In Traditional Medicine

From Siberia to Mongolia and China, from the Swedish Pharmacopoeia published in 1755 to centuries earlier with the Vikings, the potentially potent properties of rhodiola rosea have been exploited by traditional medicines for centuries now. Even in the past several decades, researchers have undertaken expeditions to remote villages in mountainous areas of Asia only to find use of the golden root for a broad range of reasons. While the long-time use of R. rosea by a number of different disparate and isolated cultures does not prove that benefits exist, it certainly should provoke more researchers and scientists to at least consider the possibility that this supplement is worth further consideration.

In this part of the Rhodiola Rosea Phytomedicinal Overview, learn how early researchers in Russia and Asia discovered and evaluated the first signs of use for this adaptogen. Learn how evidence suggests even as far back as the Vikings this remedy was in use for its endurance and strength improving properties with few side effects. Read on to discover who pioneered this research and what they discovered… and what this all might mean to you.

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Rhodiola Rosea Pharmacology, Phytochemistry and Standardization

Discover the groundbreaking research conducted by Dr. Zakir Ramazanov to reveal why rhodiola rosea is the species with the most promising benefits. Yes, there are several species and you need to understand why this is important when evaluating different rhodiola supplements.

Many people may not realize it, but many rhodiola supplements use other species as a substitute or more accurately, as an adulterant. Specifically, rhodiola crenulata, while containing a promising concentration of salidrosides, lacks the rosavins associated with the most potent benefits, yet it is often found in otherwise seemingly respectable remedies suggested for herbal stress relief.

Dr. Zakir Ramazanov also collects several references to research that verifies or corroborates rhodiola rosea’s promise, despite it manifesting so few side effects. With a broad range of mental and physical benefits evident in a number of studies conducted across multiple continents over several decades, it seems this safe and promising herbal remedy deserve more comprehensive research and consideration by the scientific community.

After you read this research and assess the tables and diagrams constructed by Dr. Ramazanov, you will better understand how to examine the different rhodiola supplements available to you and why you might consider this remedy in the first place.

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